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Installing Redis

We will use Redis to save jobs in a queue. So let's also install it on our computer.


The next thing we need to install is Redis. Redis is an in memory data store that uses key value structures to store data. Redis is often used as a caching or queue layer. We will use Redis to store jobs in a queue before they are picked up and processed in the background. Again, if you're on Mac or Windows, you can install Redis through DB engine.

So if you have installed it from the last lesson, you simply create a new Redis service, then you choose the version of Redis you want to install. Give it a name, then you can check this to automatically start it upon login, then create, and start the service. Now, you should have that version of Redis installed on your computer. Alternatively, or if you're on Linux, you can install Redis using the installation guide from the Redis website. So you simply select the installation guide for your operating system and follow the steps.

Whichever method you choose, you should now have Redis installed on your computer.